Fuel Your Summer.

Free meals for kids and teens are available in your neighborhood this summer.

Free Summer Meals programs are offered at the places where your family lives, learns, and plays—including schools, parks, community centers, and faith-based organizations.

Free Summer Meals programs are open to all families and don’t ask for any paperwork—kids can just drop in and grab a meal. Many sites also offer fun activities that help kids stay active and engaged when school is out.

Find a meal site near you using the USDA’s Summer Meals Site Finder.

Sites are updated throughout the year based on whether they are currently operating, so don’t worry if the map looks empty in the winter. Check back next summer to find a site in your neighborhood.

Trouble navigating the map? Click here to open the Site Finder in a new window.

Let’s dig into what you can expect for Summer 2025.

  • Though the location of specific sites may have changed over the last few years, the core of the Free Summer Meals program remains – all children 18 and under receive a free meal. There is absolutely zero paperwork, fee, sign-up, proof of identity, or legal status required.

    Families can bring their children every day during the summer, and not only ensure they enjoy a free meal (or two), but also join in fun activities to keep their bodies and minds engaged like sports, arts & crafts, and so much more.

    Some sites may also offer additional resources for older family members. Check the map below to find when sites near you are open and which meals they serve!

  • Federal program rules still require that kids and teens be present to receive a meal and eat it on-site at most sites. However, eligible rural sites have the option of serving meals that can be taken off-site through a grab & go model. These sites may also offer even more convenient options such as home delivery or parent pick-up.

    These Grab-and-Go sites are highlighted in orange on the Site Finder.

  • For so many families, summer means an increased cost of food averaging around $300 per month. This burden on families may mean having to choose between groceries and other basic needs.

    The Free Summer Meals program provides an opportunity to continue a child's physical and social development while providing nutritious meals during long vacation periods from school. It helps children return to school ready to learn. Without this program, children who rely on meals at school may experience “summer slide” where they are at risk of losing some of the achievement gains from they made during the school year.

    Because this program is open to all children 18 and under, any family can participate and get to know their neighbors and community.

  • SUN Bucks, or Summer EBT, is a new federal program that provides grocery benefits to families during the summer months. If your child is eligible for free or reduced-price school meals, you can receive $120 per summer per eligible child and use the debit-style EBT card to purchase food at your local grocery stores, farmers markets, and online.

    The Free Summer Meals program and SUN Bucks work together to help kids and families. Your family can participate in both Free Summer Meals and SUN Bucks — you don’t have to choose just one program.

Partner Resources

Promote Free Summer Meals. Help families in your community connect to their nearest meals site. Download digital outreach materials or order free physical materials.

Get additional help. Find all our Summer Meals resources for partners here.

Last updated: February 3, 2025